Entering And Leaving VI File Manipulation
----------------------- -----------------
%vi name edit name at top :w write back changes
%vi +n name ... at line n :wq write and quit
%vi + name ... at end :q quit
%vi -r list saved files :q! quit, discard changes
%vi -r name recover file name :e name edit file name
%vi name ... edit first;rest via :n :e! reedit discard changes
%vi -t tag start at tag :e + name edit starting at end
%vi +/pat name search for pat :e +n name edit starting at line n
% view name read only mode :e # edit alternate file
ZZ save and exit from vi CTRl-^ synonym for :e #
CTRL-Z stop vi, don't exit :r(name) paste file name starting at
current position.
:w(name) write file name
The Display :w! name overwrite file name
----------- :sh run shell, then return
:!cmd run cmd, then return
Last line Error mesg, echoing input :n edit next file in arglist
to :/? and !, feedback :n args specify new arglist
about i/o and large changes :f show current file and line
@ lines On screen only, not in file CTRL-G synonym for :f
~lines Lines past end of file :ta tag to tag file entry tag
CTRL-x Control characters, DEL is CTRL-] :ta, following word tag
tabs Expand to spaces, cursor
at last.
Vi Modes Positioning within File
-------- -----------------------
Command Normal and initial state CTRL-F forward screenfull
Others return here. Esc CTRL-B backward screenfull
(escape) cancels partial CTRL-D scroll down half screen
command. CTRL-U scroll up half screen
Insert Entered by a i A I O G goto line (end default)
o c C s S R. Arbitrary /pattern next line matching pattern
test then terminates ?pattern prev line matching pattern
with ESC character, or n repeat last / or ?
abnormally with interrupt N reverse last / or ?
Last line Reading input for :/? or !; /pat/+n n'th line after pat
terminate with ESC or CR ?pat?-n n'th line befor pat
to execute. interrupt to ]] next section/function
m cancel. [[ previous section/function
% find matching () { or }
Counts Before Vi Commands Adjusting the Screen
------------------------- --------------------
line/column number z G | CTRL-L clear and redraw
scroLl half-page CTRL-D CTRL-U CTRL-R retype, eliminate @ lines
replicate insert a i A I z redraw, at window top
repeat effect most rest z- ... at bottom
z. ... at center
Simple Commands /pat/z- pat line at bottom
--------------- zn. use
CTRL-E scroll window down 1 line
dw delete word CTRL-Y scroll window up 1 line
de ... leave punct
dd delete a line Corrections during Insert Mode
3dd ... 3 lines ------------------------------
i(text) ESC insert text (return
to cmd mode)
cw(new) ESC change word to new CTRL-H erase last character
(return to cmd mode)
easESC pluralize word CTRL-W erases last word
xp transpose characters erase your erase, same as CTRL-H
(switch current char Kill erase input this line
w/ next)
Interrupting, Cancelling \ escapes CTRL-H, erase, kill
------------------------ ESC end insert, command mode
CTRL-C interrupt, terminate insert
ESC end insert or command CTRL-D backtab over autoindent
CTRL-C interrupt (or DEL) CTRL-^D kill auto, save for next
CTRL-L refresh screen 0CTRL-D ... but at margin next also
CTRL-V quote non-printing character
Marking and Returning Insert and Replace
--------------------- ------------------
`` previous context a append after cursor
'' ... at first non-white i insert before
in line A append at end of line
mx mark position with I insert before first non-white
`x to mark x o open line below
'x ... at first non-white O open above
in line rx replace single char with x
R replace characters
Line Positioning Operators (double to effect line)
---------------- ---------------------------------
H top window line dd delete line
L last window line cc cut line to paste with p.
M middle window line < left shift
+ next line at first > right shift
non-white ! filter through command
- previous line, at first = indent for LISP
CR return, same as + yy yank lines to buffer
down arrow
or j next line, same column Miscellaneous Operations
up arrow ------------------------
or k prev line, same column
C change rest of line
Character Positioning D delete rest of line
--------------------- s substitute chars
S substitute lines
^ beginning of Line. J join lines
$ end of line X ... before cursor
right arrow Y yank lines
or l forward x delete characters
left arrow Yank and Put
or h backwards ------------
CTRL-H same as left arrow
space same as right arrow p put back lines
(num)yy yank num lines
| to specified column ------------------
% find matching () or {}
u undo last change
Words, Sentences, Paragraphs U restore current line
---------------------------- . repeat last change
(num)yy yank num lines
w word forward
b back word (to first char) Commands for LISP
e to last character of W -----------------
) to next sentence
} to next paragraph ) Forward s-expression
( back sentence } ... but don't stop at atoms
{ back paragraph ( back s-expression
W word forward { ... but don't stop at
B back W (to first char)
E to last character of W